A great workout for runners

A great routine for barefoot runners

Here's the second in our series of summer workouts. This one is a perfect routine for pre or post exercise and especially good for runners.

Commonly people who do lots of running come across tightness in their hip flexors, hamstrings and calves. This routine addresses all of these areas as well as helping you with hip and upper leg mobility. It will challenge your core too.

Watch the video below and read the notes so you know what you will need to do in order to do each exercise safely and effectively.


How to do the workout

These movements are designed to flow into one another so move slowly through each transition and spend as long as you like in each pose. Between 5 and 10 seconds should be plenty. Then feel free to repeat the sequence a second time.

Childs Pose

What's it good for? This basic Yoga stretch is great for opening your spine and hips. If you go back to this position at the end of the workout you may find it easier to do than at the start.

How to do it.

  • Kneel down and take your knees wider apart than your feet. Keep your feet together.
  • Reach forwards with your arms until you are close to the floor. 
  • Try to rest your forehead on the floor.

Table Top

What's it good for? This adds a little weight to your arms, shoulders and wrists as well as helping you to activate your core. It will help with flexibility in your toe joints too.

How to do it. 

  • Move from the Childs Pose so you are in a table top position with your knees directly under our hips and your hands under your shoulders.
  • Now lift your knees away from the floor so they remain as close to the floor as possible. This will add extra weight to your toes and help you engage your core.
  • Make sure your knees and feet are around hip width apart.


Downward Dog

What is it good for? This is a classic Yoga pose that brings so many benefits. You will feel this stretching everything from your lower back right down through your glutes, hamstrings and calves.

How to do it.

  • You can move seamlessly from the table top with your feet and hands in the same position.
  • Raise your hips and straighten out your legs so your head tucks underneath you.
  • Try to keep your legs straight as you push your upper body towards your legs.
  • Try to get your heels as close to the floor as possible. You can alternate bending knees to help stretch out your calves further.


Runners Lunge

What is it good for? This is a great exercise to improve hip mobility, balance and you may find it harder than you think. You'll especially feel this stretch your hamstrings on the front leg and your hip flexor on the back leg.

How to do it.

From your down dog drop your hips so your body is parallel with the floor. At the same time bring one leg forward bending at the knee until your foot is flat on the floor next to your hand and outside your shoulder. Try to do this whilst keeping both hands flat on the floor.

If this movement is too hard you can drop to your knees first, get your foot in place and then lift up again.

You will feel this in the hip flexor on your back leg and the hamstrings on your front. By slightly moving your body weight forward or back you will be able to increase the stretch where you need it the most.

Dragon Fly

What is it good for? This will increase the tension in your hips while working on your balance (core) and flexibility through your spine and shoulders.

How to do it.

  • From your runners lunge simply take the hand nearer a foot off the floor and rotate until it is pointing up and you're looking towards the side.
  • It's important that your hands are in line with one another so turn your body as much as you can instead of reaching back with your top arm.
  • Make sure both of your feet stay exactly where they are and your front knee does not flare out.

High Plank

What is it good for? This is a classic core activator. Use your glutes and upper back here too and that will really help you to remain stable.

How to do it.

  • Return to the floor from your Dragon Fly with your feet at hip with apart and hands under your shouders.
  • Actively pull your chest away from the floor to tuck your shoulder blades away.
  • At the same time squeeze your glues and engage your core muscles. Imagine you are trying to push yourself away from the floor without lifting your hips.


Knee Tuck

What is it good for? Adding in a little instability in the plank position will further help your core to engage and this knee tuck acts as another great hip mobiliser.

How to do it.

  • Remain in the same plank position and bend one knee tucking it under your body and getting it as close as you can to your elbow on the same side.
  • Keep your foot off the floor and continue to push yourself away from the floor.

We hope you enjoy giving this workout a go. Please let us know how you get on. You’ll find this workout will feel much better in a pair of Vibram FiveFingers like the KSO-Evo’s Alison is wearing in our video. Good luck!

In order to avoid illness, injury or health problems, check with your doctor before beginning any fitness program. By following any fitness and health advice you do so at your own risk.

Barefoot Junkie, our affiliates and/or associate companies will not be responsible for any injury or harm you may experience as a result of following our articles, videos or information provided.

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